Drinking With Business
An adventure into understanding business cases... With drinks
13 episodes
Fun and Novel Ways to Scam Late 90's California Out of Money
The penultimate episode in the Enron Saga! We cover how exactly Enron extorted money from California, the state's reaction and most importantly... Pie.
Season 2
Episode 6

Prelude to Pie
Join us today as we we investigate how Enron got its foot in the door for the Californian electricity market, and how they then went on to exploit the recent deregulation in said market.
Season 2
Episode 5

How to not Finance Power Stations in India
Today Aleks and Andrew continue the saga of ENRON. The mid-nineties saw ENRON shoring up it's loan based solvency by expanding their portfolio with a poorly conceived natural gas powerstation in Dabhol, India. The usual ENRON hi-jinks ensue.&nb...
Season 2
Episode 4

Tee with a Side of wishful thinking
Or how to not make money with a billion dollar power plant
Season 2
Episode 3

Criminally Irresponsible
Our ENRON saga continues! This time with crime!
Season 2
Episode 2

Birth of a Monster
I'm sure you've heard of ENRON, but have you ever wondered how it came to be in such dire straights? Find out in this epic n-parter mini series.
Season 2
Episode 1

The Inevitable Rabbit
Did you ever wonder what would happen if a sitting president was attacked by a rabbit? PONDER NO MORE!
Season 1
Episode 6

How in the cheese did the cheese get this bad?
In this episode, Aleks and Andrew learn about how the United States overnment came to own waaaay too much cheese.
Season 1
Episode 6

So you don't want to sell me rockets?!
Today Aleks and Andrew tackle the origin of SpaceX, and how it got from a wild idea to the least expensive way to launch things into space.Business Case: Harvard Business School, "SpaceX: Economies of Scale and a Revolution in Space Acc...
Season 1
Episode 5

The Hidden Truth
Today Aleks and Andrew tackle another paper, This time the paper in question is "Since you’re so rich, you must be really smart”: Talent and the finance wage premium." by Michael Böhm, Daniel Metzger, and Per Strömberg. Twitter: @d...
Season 1
Episode 4

Management Through Greek Mythology
Today Aleks and Andrew explore management through the Greek myth of Pygmalion as described in the paper "Pygmalion in Management" by J. Sterling Livingston.Email:drinkingwihtbusiness.gmail.comTwitter:@DrinkWBusines...
Season 1
Episode 3